A large number (101) records match your search. You may wish to restrict it by county, parish, etc. Click here to return to the search page.

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Results 1 to 20 of 101 [next]

Occupier Surname Occupier Forename County Parish Details Original Page Map Views Upload your content for this record
HANLEY EDWARD King's County (Offaly) BIRR
SHARPE GEORGE King's County (Offaly) BIRR
SHARPE GEORGE King's County (Offaly) BIRR
BANCO MARGARET King's County (Offaly) BIRR
KELLY DARBY King's County (Offaly) BIRR
RENEHAN JAMES King's County (Offaly) BIRR
MARKS BERNARD King's County (Offaly) BIRR
MARKS IGNATIUS King's County (Offaly) BIRR
HERNON ANDREW King's County (Offaly) BIRR
HERNON ANDREW King's County (Offaly) BIRR
SYLVESTER THOMAS King's County (Offaly) BIRR
CARTER JOHN King's County (Offaly) BIRR
PEART CHARLES King's County (Offaly) BIRR
GARVEY GEORGE King's County (Offaly) BIRR
READ ELIZA King's County (Offaly) BIRR
DOOLY THOMAS King's County (Offaly) BIRR
DOOLY THOMAS King's County (Offaly) BIRR
DOOLY THOMAS King's County (Offaly) BIRR
DOOLY THOMAS King's County (Offaly) BIRR

Results 1 to 20 of 101 [next]